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Fortunate to Love Him

Stories of My Life with Meher Baba

Khorshed K. Irani

Paperback 428 pages
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Khorshed Irani was one of Meher Baba's earliest and closest women disciples. She first saw Meher Baba in 1922 when she was just twelve years old. The following year Baba introduced her to Mehera J. Irani, His Beloved, and they immediately became best friends. She was one of the few mandali at the end of the twentieth century who remembered Baba’s indescribably beautiful speaking and singing voice.

Khorshed's stories are about an incredible life – one that was dedicated in love to God as Meher Baba. Her life with the Avatar was extraordinary and filled with intense challenges and hardships. As Khorshed said, “Our life with Baba had everything – fun, trouble, and love.” Her single-pointed love, dedication, and obedience to Meher Baba, through thick and thin, as well as her inner strength and motivation to be near Him, distinguishes Khorshed as one of the great souls who served the Avatar of the Age.

Fortunate to Love Him was compiled from video and audio recordings of Khorshed telling her life stories during the 70s, 80s and 90s. Secondary sources included notes from interviews with Khorshed as well as her personal diary translated from Gujerati. Included are over 170 photographs illustrating this most precious life lived for her Beloved.

Published 2017